Set of color credit cards on wooden table

Advantages of Integrated Credit Card Processing With QuickBooks

If you take credit card payments during regular business operations you know how important it is to have processes that operate as seamlessly. Hence QuickBooks payment processing.

Streamlined processes will benefit both you and your clientele that pays using credit cards. QuickBooks credit card processing offers affordable and intuitive solutions to your customers.

With this in mind, hereinbelow are the advantages of this type of credit card processing.

Saved Time

Have you ever tried to juggle several business solutions to operate your company? If yes, then you know how much time it can take to constantly have to make double entries in two or more programs if you want to keep track of what’s going on.

Choosing a credit card processing solution that can integrate with QuickBooks is like getting the best of both worlds. It allows you to pick the option that best suits your needs, both in terms of rates and functionality.

It also allows one to process their payments. This, in turn, helps reduce the repetitive data entries they need to make freeing them up to concentrate on other more important things.

Reduced Labor Costs

One reason why you need this credit card processing option is that it drastically reduces the labor costs of taking payments. It even matches those said payments with invoices.

With this type of in-app processing system, credit card payments can be processed without human assistance. Yes, you can still enter payments manually if you want but it just won’t be a requirement.

What this means is that you’ll be able to function without having an account receivable specialist, hence reduced labor.

Reduced Risk Of Error

Even just a few small errors in your books can give rise to you having to, later on, spend hours on end trying to both find and rectify the mistake.

And while it’s impossible to completely end human error, an in-app credit card processing integrations can reduce the risk of error.

Integrated payment options reduce the risk by recording all credit card payments. This ensures that you won’t have to spend a lot of your time looking for credit card payment errors.

Improved Security

When your business accepts credit card payments, it has a legal and moral obligation to protect its customer’s information.

Even though you don’t need to abide by the FACTA rules and regulations, your customers expect that all their information will be kept safe and secure.

It’s for this reason in-application credit card processing integrations are a must. These systems allow you to take and in some instances even store, your customers’ credit card data.

A lot of in-application processing software usually use something known as tokenization

Streamlined Business Operations

Your business operations will benefit from using streamlined, in-app credit card payment solutions. Inefficiency can end up costing your business a lot of money. In some scenarios, it can even lead some businesses to fail completely.

Using this type of credit card solution improves operational efficiency. It also cuts down on time-wasting and leaves both you and your workers free to concentrate on growing the business and servicing the customers.

Better Reporting

Reports that are run using in-application credit card processing systems will have all your recent transactions, without needing you or a worker to constantly update them.

This means that you will be able to access all the data you require for you to run your business seamlessly and smoothly.

The decisions that need to be made daily will require that that you know exactly where the business stands financially. With integrated processing solutions with QuickBooks, you’ll always have access to all of the most current numbers.

Up-To-The-Minute Accounting

When you’re tracking your finances using multiple programs, it can be very hard (sometimes even impossible) to fully manage and understand things like profits and cash flow.

One of the greatest advantages of using this type of system is that you will always know where your business stands as far as cash flow is concerned.

Why? Because the credit card processing integrates with QuickBooks, which means that incoming payments are immediately logged in. You’ll have access to the invoices that have been paid out by the business as well as which are still outstanding.

All this whilst also being able to look at income predictions and current cash flow of the business.

QuickBooks Payment Processing Allows For Debit Cards As Well

When you get a QuickBooks’ account, the point of sale tools and software you use will set-up automatically to use both debit and credit cards.

The software automatically captures approval codes, transactions, credit card data and type of card for each transaction made. Integrated card processing systems, when paired with QuickBooks, are at their full potential.

Integrated Sales Tax Calculations

Sales tax rates are there for the automation of sales tax calculations. Integrated credit card processing systems will allow for sales rates of tax settings. Furthermore, you can also specify where your taxes are meant to go to.

Your company preferences can hold your business additional sales tax options if you’d like.

Tax codes can be created based on the merchandise you happen to be selling, and different instructions can be given to each code to specify tax locations where the customer is situated or where the product is being sold.

Giving Your Business the Competitive Edge

The bottom line here is that using the Quickbooks Payment processing system will help your company or small business in every way possible. Not only is it one of the greatest ways for you to reduce inefficiencies and save both time and money, but it also helps improve the overall end-result.

Ready to start using one today? Give us a call to learn more about how we can help.

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