
Everything to Know About QuickBooks Training for Beginners

You don’t have to be a seasoned QuickBooks professional to take advantage of QuickBooks software. We’ve compiled everything you need about QuickBooks training for beginners to get you started. 

QuickBooks is the leader in accounting software for small- to mid-sized businesses. The software is user-friendly, but that’s not always the case, especially for users with little to no accounting experience. 

Many beginners still need additional help to get the most out of the software package. Thankfully, Fourlane’s QuickBooks training for beginners makes this possible. The combination of training and ease of use make this the top software program for your small business.

The Role of Training in Maximizing QuickBooks’ Potential

Every business must have a basic understanding of how to use QuickBooks because QB dominates the accounting software industry. Without knowing how to wield it properly, QuickBooks can become a complicated mess as you try to create account files. 

Messy financial statements are the last thing you need—incorrect accounting can affect aspects of your business as obvious as payroll or as subtle as inventory counts. 

Even if you hire a professional to handle your accounting, you should still understand QuickBooks to ensure you make the right hire. With QuickBooks knowledge, you’ll be able to better review their reports and ask questions—ensuring you’re getting your money’s worth. 

QuickBooks Training Case Study

Case study

Fourlane can train you and your employees with ease. Whether you need QuickBooks training for beginners or in-depth users, we can walk you through the process of various QuickBooks techniques—just like we did with employees at Harnyss. 

This hydrogen storage technology company needed help using QuickBooks Enterprise. We set up and trained their employees in their QuickBooks Enterprise inventory, manufacturing, and costing system. 

Once the training was completed, Fourlane took over the day-to-day bookkeeping so Harnyss could focus on their business goals. To further assist with Harnyss’ goals, Fourlane suggests and executes different accounting methods so they can unlock the program’s full potential.

“Fourlane is a great example of how every business should operate. Every employee I have dealt with is personable without wasting time and money, enthusiastic, efficient, and knowledgeable. You can’t ask for more. Harnyss will continue to use Fourlane for ongoing accounting support and training We would recommend Fourlane to any company that needs similar help.”

– Steve Pike, COO Harnyss

QuickBooks Sample Files

To give you hands-on training, QuickBooks also includes sample files. You can run various techniques on sample files without affecting your company’s original file. For example, if you want to try a new process but aren’t sure it’s right for your company, you can experiment with a sample file. 

You copy the info from your original into the sample file, and the sample file will run as if it’s the real thing. But, if it turns out that process was a disaster, it won’t affect your original at all. 

So, while you may be tempted to open the package and get started right away, it’s better to give yourself room to make mistakes as you learn how to use QuickBooks. Take advantage of these practice capabilities—by learning in a practice setting, you can feel safe making mistakes without fear of compromising your business records.

Fourlane can show you how sample files work as part of your QuickBooks training so you can try new accounting techniques on your own.

QuickBooks Training Courses and Tutorials

There are other training options available. Once you’ve purchased your license for the QuickBooks software package and are ready to use it, you can access QuickBooks training for beginners

Along with training courses, QuickBooks Tutorials help you get started with the software in no time at all. These quick how-to videos and visual guides assist you with stepbystep instructions and cover just about any QuickBooks topics you may struggle with learning.

Fourlane QuickBooks Training for Beginners & Beyond

While the QuickBooks tutorials are good, sometimes they can be hard to follow because the people teaching are already familiar with the program. They may miss subtle aspects that are hard for a complete beginner learning how to use QuickBooks from scratch. 

When you purchase QuickBooks through Fourlane, you get many training opportunities available to you, from beginner to expert. Some of the different training topics include the chart of accounts, credit cards, banking, file setup, and more.

Our QuickBooks Courses are a fantastic option that allows you to learn at your own pace and refer to the materials as needed.

If you’re more of a visual learner, we also have other QuickBooks training for beginners opportunities through our YouTube channel and free webinar events. Our YouTube channel features videos on specific topics, so you can easily find assistance when you have a problem with a particular aspect of the program. These videos are direct and focus solely on the subject in the title to prevent them from being overwhelming.

Interested in something a little more interactive? Try our webinars. In 2023, our Webinar Series covered topics such as:

  • QBES vs. QBO Balances
  • Budget Creation
  • Creating Beginning
  • Database Review
  • Forecast Creation
  • Recurring Services
  • What Story Is Your Balance Sheet Telling You?

You’ll get time with a Fourlane QuickBooks expert, going over all aspects of the webinar’s subject. You’ll be able to ask questions and get answers in real time. These webinars can help evolve QuickBooks beginners into next-level users. 

As a small business owner, you often take it upon yourself to do everything. With QuickBooks Training, you don’t have to fumble through learning accounting software alone. The training courses offered by QuickBooks and Fourlane provide you with all the information you need to keep your records with confidence. There are hours of training sessions available to help you navigate your new software program.

Fourlane’s Customized QuickBooks Training

Product Training

Do you need more than standard training for you and your employees? You could use Fourlane’s customized training. You’ll create the curriculum by telling us the challenges you’re facing. From there, we’ll create lessons that address these problems along with other tools we think will be useful to you.

Customized training can be more effective with your company because we can use your files as examples. Using your files as examples in lessons can greatly impact your ability to learn different QuickBooks techniques. You’ll also be able to work with us so you can take action—meaning you’ll clean up a file while we’re guiding you. 

Customer training is particularly valuable because it:

  • Adapts to different learning styles.
  • Creates better relationships with employees.
  • Makes it easier to gain new skills.
  • Improves employee performance.
  • Increases ROI.
  • Streamlines the training process.

Case Study: Net Friends

Net Friends

IT service provider Net Friends needed assistance transitioning from their old financial program to a new one. As their company grew, Net Friends took the opportunity to contact Fourlane and streamline their financial operations. 

Net Friends owned a large QuickBooks file full of changes from the previous two years. Financial aspects of the company, like purchasing, inventory, and month-end close, were taken care of in-house, while payroll and problematic time-tracking were outsourced. 

Fourlane saw the file and immediately began condensing it and creating a training curriculum for Net Friends. 

Collaborative Training

With its file simplified and the team thoroughly trained, the confidence of Net Friend’s CFO skyrocketed; we continue to enjoy a solid, mutually beneficial partnership.

There’s No Need to Struggle with QuickBooks

It may be tempting to continue to struggle to learn how to use QuickBooks on your own, but consider the many benefits of turning to the experts. You’ll spend less time figuring out why a file isn’t acting like you want and more time expanding your business. 

Contact Fourlane today to take advantage of Fourlane QuickBooks training opportunities and professional assistance. You can also browse our blog, where we offer helpful articles that may answer your questions.

2 thoughts on “Everything to Know About QuickBooks Training for Beginners”

  1. Terri Hamilton

    We are starting a new business and we need to use QuickBooks. We need to know how to set up the chart of accounts. We need everything exported from our bank account into QuickBooks and into the correct chart of account. We also need it set up for personal use And our second business as well. Do your instructions offer all of this type of training.

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